Welcome to my photo gallery. I am sharing some of my best photos for you to enjoy. You may download these pictures to your computer for use as a desktop background or wallpaper. I appreciate your comments at TroyH@TroyH.us.Here are some pictures that I have posted on my blog, Troy's Thoughts. Each gallery links to the blog post that includes those pictures.


Total images: 16
Date added: 2008-01-20
Pictures of individual buildings and architecture.

City Skylines & Downtown

Total images: 17
Date added: 2008-01-20
Pictures of many buildings, such as in skylines or a downtown area.

Total images: 6
Date added: 2007-07-10
Pictures that I couldn't assign to any other category.

Nature & Art

Total images: 51
Date added: 2008-01-20
Pictures taken outside of nature, parks, and public art.

Run-down structures

Total images: 17
Date added: 2008-01-20
Old buildings and things that most people ignore.

Southern Methodist University
Total images: 37
Date added: 2007-07-24
Pictures I took at my alma mater.

Still Life

Total images: 10
Date added: 2008-01-20
Pictures taken of different objects in various settings.

Texas Courthouses
Total images: 35
Date added: 2007-07-05
Pictures of some county courthouses in Texas.